Termites work 24 hours 7 Days a week
They Never Sleep
Like Vampires, Termites hate sunlight
Termites have been around since the Dinosaur times and in fact they have been alive for over 250 Million Years
Termite queens can live between 15 to 25 years
There are more termites on earth than Humans
Termite queen can lay 30,000 eggs per day
Some termite nests can contain up to 2 million termites
Termites not only eat homes and dead wood, they also eat live trees
Termites are social insects, related to cockroaches
The termite swarm will hit 1 in 30 homes
Termites pass more wind than humans and create Methane gas
Termites can be found throughout California, to prevent them from causing damage your dwelling, it's best to hire a botanical pest control company like Rizon to eliminate the threat